For my Butterfly


Sunday, February 14, 2021


I Opened my Eyes


I opened my eyes and woke

To find the back of your soft neck,

Full of ancient beauty that broke

The magnitude of love to a speck.


Your hands hold this elegance

With tender strength and grace,

Comprised of a smile and elements

Full of the spheres wrapped in lace.


Red and magenta colored pounding

You bravely go into aching tenderness,

Allowing the crashing and the sounding

Waves to wash over you in endurance.


Your strength is laid on its bed

Released to be restored in peace,

You walk exposed and revealed, led

With resting eyes you decrease.


When time has stopped therein

We pause to recollect, that

Tomorrow will have been,

The place where we have always sat.


Veiled secrets we find together,

Uncover the mysteries we discover,

Anything we can weather,

In the splendors of the deep we recover.


In fields of crystals and gems

We pack these truths that are hidden,

That offers charity and stems

Into a love forbidden.


Floating weightless like a bird,

The wind carries you underneath

Effortlessly your arms transfer

The embrace like a welcoming wreath.


Our victory is ours,

If we prevail in faded light,

Through unknow hours,

Climbing to foreign height.


I am home safe there with you

Underneath an arc of doves,

Venturing past the breakers only a few,

Spoken with love in primeval tongues.


Tiptoeing through the brush,

Behind the stonewalls in the garden

We make our pledge to never rush

Fading seconds, nor make its pardon.


Time in our hands is all we have,

Let no mistake be an offer,

To lose our whole into halves,

And exhaust what we stored in our coffer.


We wait on rays of light,

gentle feet on the particles,

Hand in hand we fight,

To hold onto our ageless articles.


Manuscripts cannot contain

The road to travel,

But our own cryptic message we obtain,

And choose to walk upon the anvil.


Delicate hearts with no mask,

Our own love we have composed

“Where to tonight?”, we ask

Laying down with eyes closed.


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